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Hi, I write on arabic grammar and quranic depth. Every sunday, i (used to) post the Take 5 newsletter - ranting on arabic, quran and life. Gone for a while.

®2018-2023 by Language Dynamics
UEN 53354610M

An Exclusive Invitation

A 4-Week Tafsir Webclass

This program trains you, via 24:35, to see how tafsir scholars think, so that you can start building the interpretive potential within you.

Weekly Outline

1The tafsir of light, featuring the following Tafsir Bros/Imams: Tabari, Zamakhshari, Razi, and Ibn Taimiyya
2The inner tafsir of light, featuring mainly Ta’wil Bro/Imam Ghazali, Hulusi and Ibn Sina
3The tafsir of ‘His light is as a niche’, featuring the following Tafsir Bros/Imams: Qurtubi, Razi, and Ibn Taimiyya
4The inner tafsir of ‘His light is as a niche’, featuring Ghazali, Tustari, Kashani, Nisaburi, Qushayri, Ibn Sina, Maybudi, and Izutsu

To accept this special invitation, please submit this form. The cost of this program ($99) has been waived exclusively for selected invitees. You'll get the zoom link after you press submit.

    A 4-Week Tafsir Webclass

    This program trains you, via 24:35, to see how tafsir scholars think, so that you can start building the interpretive potential within you.

    Weekly Outline

    1The tafsir of light, featuring the following Tafsir Bros/Imams: Tabari, Zamakhshari, Razi, and Ibn Taimiyya
    2The inner tafsir of light, featuring mainly Ta’wil Bro/Imam Ghazali, Hulusi and Ibn Sina
    3The tafsir of ‘His light is as a niche’, featuring the following Tafsir Bros/Imams: Qurtubi, Razi, and Ibn Taimiyya
    4The inner tafsir of ‘His light is as a niche’, featuring Ghazali, Tustari, Kashani, Nisaburi, Qushayri, Ibn Sina, Maybudi, and Izutsu


    ®2018-2023 by Language Dynamics
    UEN 53354610M

    To join, transfer $99 to PayNow 87536364 or POSB 791-25804-9 and submit the form below.

    ®2018-2023 by Language Dynamics
    UEN 53354610M

    Congrats! You are now subscribed to updates on the Tafsir Bros' Notes and Program. Welcome to the Cool World of Cool Tafsir!

    Arabic Grammar Tuition

    Enquiry Form

    ®2018-2023 by Language Dynamics
    UEN 53354610M

    For Full-Time Secondary/College Students and Budding Teachers of Arabic Grammar1 June 2023, Wednesday
    Duration: 60 Minutes
    @ Woodlands Civic Centre, Singapore

    Registration Form

    Upon successful registration, you will be emailed a response within 24 hours. For enquiries, click here.*Exact location in email response.

    📭 The Grammar Tuition

    I recommend only these books for now:Arabic For Nerds 1Arabic For Nerds 2Arabic Grammar Unlocked
    (for Syntax & Quranic Arabic)
    All The Arabic You Never Learned The First Time Around
    (for Modern Standard Arabic)

    QURAN TRANSLATIONSMessage of the Quran
    Muhammad Asad
    Quran: A New Translation
    Muhammad Abdel Haleem
    The Quran Beheld
    Nuh Ha Meem Keller

    ZALZALAH - The 99th Chapter

    <click here for chapter 100>

    Table-Based Parsing/Patterning

    Post-Class Update in 3 Visuals
    Week 7 of 12 (On Adverbs)

    For textual explanation,
    go to


    There is no perfect tafsir. The above resources serve primarily as thought movers.

    INTRODUCTION of 99"Both these surahs (99-100) form a pair with regard to their subject-matter. The first surah warns the Quraysh of the situation that will arise on the Day of Judgment, while the second, with reference to this situation, warns them of the attitude they have adopted about God in spite of being blessed with His tremendous favours."
    (Monthly Renaissance)

    GRAMMAR OF 99 (The Cores)1) Earth is shaken (Verbal)
    2) Earth lets out its burdens (Verbal)
    3) Man says what's up (Verbal)
    4) Earth breaks the news (Verbal)
    5) [as] God inspired her [to] (Verbal)
    6) Men divide[d] into classes (Verbal)
    7) Each good is visible (Nominal)
    8) Each evil is visible (Nominal)

    (Forms and Types)
    1) F11 Past Passive / Common Noun / F11 Verbal Noun2) F4 Past Active / Common Noun / Broken Plural3) F1 Past Active / Common Noun4) F2 Present Active / Broken Plural5) Common Noun / F4 Past Active6) F1 Present Active Verb / Broken Plural / Broken Plural / F4 Present Passive / Broken Plural7) F1 Present Active / F1 Tool Noun / Common Noun / Common Noun / F1 Present Active8) Same as 7

    Got question? Submit below.
    I'll answer in class.

    ADVERBS in 3 Visuals

    PP vs AP

    Prepositional Phrase Vs Adverbial PhraseWords like qabla, ba’da, iza and iz work (in terms of force and link) like prepositions. That is why, at the start, it is useful to see them as such. But as you advance your learning, you may need to update your understanding of that to align it with what’s out there.The process may seem tedious but it’s actually not; you need to do just ONE TWEAK that leads to just 2 more sub-tweaks. Once you do it step-by step, aided by the visuals below, it will get clearer and most possibly satisfying.Let’s begin with the basic elements of Prepositional Phrase:1 CATEGORY: Particle
    2 FUNCTION: Preposition (so OoP succeeds it)
    3 FORCE: Drag
    4 LINK: To Verb/Noun
    Scenario is qabla is a preposition: When qabla (function-wise) is regarded as a preposition, it follows that it is a particle. Why? Simply because prepositions belong to the category of particles. Were I the king of Arabic grammar, I would have issued a royal decree to make words like qabla as prepositions forever. But then, we live in a democratic world. So, yeah.What is that ONE TWEAK? See qabla not as a particle, but a noun. Here:1 CATEGORY: Particle Noun
    2 FUNCTION: Preposition Adverb (so OoP Possessive succeeds it)
    3 FORCE: Drag
    4 LINK: To Verb/Noun
    That’s it. A category tweak that leads to functions tweaks. But Force and Link remain.

    The 3 States of Qabl (a-i-u)

    (1) Original State (Fixed on Fatha)Category: Noun
    Function: Adv (+ Possessive)
    Force: Drag
    Link: Verb (usually preceding)
    (2) Exceptional State 1 (Dragged with a Kasra)Category: Noun
    Function: OoP (+ Possessive)
    Force: Drag
    Link: Verb (usually preceding)
    (3) Exceptional State 2 (Fixed on Damma)Category: Noun
    Function: Adv (+ nothing)
    Force: Drag
    Link: Verb (usually preceding)
    Since qablu here is fixed, but also preceded by a preposition, we say qablu is in the drag-position as OoP. I know this would seem nonsensical, but try to wrap your head around it. If you can’t, just drop it and move on with life. It’s not a ticket to heaven anyway.If you want to do with nothing of the above, remember this:1) When you see qablA, it means ‘before’.
    2) When you see min qabli, it means ‘from before’. (weird phrase, I know)
    3) When you see qablU, it means ‘ before this’.

    The Conditional Structure of
    إِذَا as Adverb

    What applies to adverbs generally, also applies to إِذَا:Category: Noun
    Function: Adverb (+ Poss)
    Force: Drag
    Link: Verb
    But with one addition; that Iza has a conditional structure that comes after it, comprising:Conditional Verb + Response (at times a Response Nominal, not Verbal)In this case, the conditional verb structure gets into the drag-position as a Possessive after إِذَا.And إِذَا as an adverb is linked to the Response Verb.

    CHARGERS - The 100th Chapter

    <click here for chapter 99>

    GRAMMAR OF 100
    [The Cores with a 4D rendering by Asad]
    1) [I swear] by the chargers that run panting. [V]the erring human soul / self, devoid of all spiritual direction2) [I swear] by the sparks of fire striking. [V]obsessed and ridden by all manner of wrong, selfish desires, madly3) [I swear] by the rushing to assault in the morning. [V]unseeingly rushing onwards, unchecked by conscience or reason.4) [raising] clouds of dust. [V]blinded by the dust-clouds of confused and confusing appetites.5) [storming] into a gathering. [V]_insoluble solutions, (and thus into his own spiritual destruction). _6) [Man is ungrateful.] [N]7) [He is a witness] to that. [N]8) [He is obsessed] with the love of wealth. [N]9) Doesn't [he know] - when [all that is in the graves is spilled out]. [Vx2]10) [all that is in the hearts is bared]. [N]11) that [their Lord is fully aware] of them. [N]

    Post-Class Update
    Week 5 of 12

    [1] We covered Surah 100 from Verse 1 to Verse 8. This surah is of 3 parts: those that run (1-5) ingratitude of man (6-8) All-Knowingness of God (9-11).[2] All 3 classes will resume on Zoom in July.[3] Some functions we covered:
    - Absolute OoV
    - Adverb of Time
    - State
    - The Nominal Structure Preceded by Inna
    Some explanations on the above:
    Absolute OoV is not a frequent function in Arabic sentences. But when it occurs, it is usually about the noun (OoV) that contains the same roots of its verb (V). That is why it is also called a Cognate Object. It’s like saying I beat him a beating, with ‘beat’ as V and ‘a beating’ as Absolute OoV. In Arabic, it is “ضَرَبْتُهُ ضَرْبًا”.
    Here's a link in Corpus that explains this concept of Cognate Object: mentioned in class, all the 3 last words in the first 3 verses are given (by me) the function of Absolute OoV to a verb that has to be implied for that to be possible. That’s one way of simple parsing. Another way, if you refer to corpus, is that dobhan is given the function of ‘state’ as it is describing the state of those that run (al-aadiyaat). State in principle is lifted, therefore Dobhan, not dobhun.
    In Verse 3, subhan can also be given the function of Time Adverb which is in principle lifted. Therefore subhan, not subhun.
    To sum up, whoever you see a lifted noun,
    - Begin with the possibility that it is OoV (or Absolute OoV)
    - If it is not, among other possibilities are State, Adverb, Exception (if it comes after illa إِلَّا) or SoN / Subject of Inna (if it comes after inna إِنَّ), or Follower (if what it follows if lifted) or Specifier (if you still remember this function). I think there would be a couple of tables containing this information.
    When it is State, it is usually translated as “in the state of …”, and when it is adverb, it is usually translated as “at / in the ….” (at dawn for subhan), and when it is specifier, it is usually translated as “in terms of”, for example أَنَا أَكْبَرُ مِنْهُ عُمْرًا is translated as ‘I am greater than him (in terms of) age’.[4] A note on Corpus: what I am teaching has great similarity to what is contained in Corpus. Once this program is over, it's good to refer to Corpus whenever you need to parse something from the Quran. But for now it is relatively challenging because of two main reasons: the Arabic terms and the the arrows.Corpus uses the theory of dependency grammar while I use the theory of movers. So, when you have V and SoV, in Corpus, the arrow will point to V because SoV is dependent on V. But in Rootword Method, we point the arrow to SoV because its V pushes (moves) it. Summing up, you need to be familiar with at least 2 main things to grasp Corpus: terms, and arrows in reverse. Below is a pdf that contains grammatical terms in Arabic and English (plus brief explanations). It's not perfect. But you may take it as a guide for now. Before a better one comes up.

    Post-Class Update
    Week 6 of 12

    "The bar was was walked into by the passive voice." - Anon

    Big Picture Parsing Method
    Understanding Passive Verbs
    Understanding Adverbs
    Big Picture Parsing MethodIn Week 6 Video, we parsed Verse 6 to 11 of Surah 100 not using VPAPN, but Big Pic Method. This method is perhaps pretty much simpler than VPAPN. Both methods can be used alongside the Sentence Master Tempate. (This is not a new addition to anything that we have learned)The trick is to identify the Core Part of any sentence first (Verbal or Nominal). In order to do so, you must already know the meanings of each word in a sentence. Once you have identified a sentence core (giving you a handle to navigate the sentence), it is much easier to identify the Pre-Core (particles) and the Post-Core (Prep-OoP, Oov, State, Specifier, Exception).Bear in mind that Possessives and Followers would not be strictly in the Core Component or the Post-Core Component; they can be in either. Why? Because a Possessive (or a Follower) is just the second part of a phrase comprising two nouns. Therefore, if the first part of it is in the Core Component, then the Possessive/Follower is also in the Core Component. If Post-Core, then there it is also.We also discussed that whenever you see a lifted noun, it can either be one of the following 7 functions: OoV, State, Specifier, Exception, Follower of a Lifted Noun, SoN of Inna, PoN of Kaana. (Again, all of these functions are in the Master Sentence Template).Understanding Passive VerbsWe also focused specifically on Passive Verbs.A sentence containing an active verb would be quite straightforward, having a Verb, Subject and Object. However, one that contains a passive verb is a bit troublesome to parse. The trick though is to be familiar with the following 3 steps:ACTIVE:
    ضَرَبَ عَلِيٌّ مُحَمَّدًا
    [OoV - SoV - V]
    STEP 1: To change verb to passive, apply the u-i pattern and add ‘was’. (For present verbs, apply the u-a pattern)ضُرِبَ} عَلِيٌّ مُحَمَّدًا}
    [OoV - SoV - V]
    STEP 2: Omit the SoVضُرِبَ عَلِيٌّ مُحَمَّدًا
    [OoV - SoV - V]
    STEP 3: OoV takes over the push-force of SOV (Muhammadan to Muhammadun) and becomes “Deputy SoV”.{ضُرِبَ {مُحَمَّدٌ
    [{d-SoV} - V]
    Understand the above, and you’ll be able to apply this to all sound verbs in the Quran.Understanding AdverbsThe topic of adverbs is confusing if not handled step-by-step. Previously, we equated adverbs with prepositions in order to simplify things, just because they share the same drag-force, and there was no need to differentiate the two. As we’ve practised parsing more verses, you would have noticed that adverbs are quite troublesome if you don’t have a firmer grip on them.For a start, let’s start with the first difference.(To see the list of prepositions and adverbs, see Sentence Master Template.)Prepositions like fi, li, and min are fundamentally particles. Even though adverbs like qabla, ba’da, and tahta have meanings that may imply they are particles, they are actually considered nouns. Why? Because they have 3 root letters. In other words, you can consider them “particles” meaning-wise, but nouns form-wise. Now why is this important? 2 reasons, for a start.Reason 1: In an adverbial phrase, if an adverb is a noun, then the succeeding noun that it drags becomes a Possessive. In contrast, a prepositional phrase would comprise a preposition and an object of preposition (OoP).Reason 2: An adverbial phrase can look so awkward, such as يَوْمَئِذٍ which is actually يَوْمَ + إِذْ = that day + when. Even though إِذْ is fixed on sukun, because it is relatively a frequent phrase used by the Arabs, it takes on a double kasrah as it is dragged by the adverb يَوْمَ .Anyway, the most important point here is this. Whenever you encounter يَوْمَئِذٍ , it is originally of 3 components:يَوْمَ + إِذْ + the nearest preceding verbIn the case of Verse 11 of Surah 100, it becomes:يَوْمَ + إِذْ + حُصِّلَ مَا فِي الصُّدُورThat day + when + what is in the hearts are made apparent.A final note: There are other instances when adverbial structures can pose challenges. We’ll touch on that in another lesson.

    (1) 2nd OoV(2) State(3) Specifier(4) Specifier(5) State(6) 2nd OoV

    The Rootword Dude
    What I’m doing now
    This is a now page, last updated on June 21st, 2022, from Singapore.

    Teaching: I am currently leading two summer programs: Verb Foundation in Quranic Arabic, and Understanding the Chapter of Jinn.Writing: Working on two articles; up in Substack when they are ready.
    - Arabic and Spirituality
    - Jinns as Described in the Quran
    Documenting: Updating my Verb Dictionary of the Quran, first created in 2018.Templating: Updating 2 online templates.
    - Verb Canvas, last updated in 2018
    - Parsing Template, last updated in Q1 2022
    Recording: Planning to record YouTube shorts for some of the stuff I teach.Reading: Finally reading Arabic for Nerds 1 and 2. Well, not really reading, but more of referencing for my summer programs. This Drissner dude is quite the grammar nerd.Relocating: Planned to relocate this month for a breath of fresh air. Pushed to November for now.

    Limited Seats Left

    14 Dec 2019 | 10am-5pm
    Venue: Alqudwah Academy

    This Workshop is perfect for people struggling to make sense of the seemingly pesky science of i'raab..

    If you've always wanted to ...

    - Gain the superpower to understand how i'raab really works.
    - Get a clear framework on how any Arabic sentence is grammatically translated.
    - Start getting addicted to Arabic grammar.

    … then this program is for you!

    Hi, I’m Redzuan, creator of the Rootword Method. I created this workshop to help people like you overcome the seeming difficulty of Arabic and I'raab.

    In this 1 day event, I’ve included everything you need to know, including:

    - The Plainest Explanation on I'raab (Nahw), Sarf and Phonetics
    - The Only 3+1 Steps You Need To Know To I'rab Any Word (yeah, I just made i'raab a verb)
    - Application On Quranic Text

    The I'raab Workshop is now open, and I invite you to enroll today!

    Mode of Payment
    PayNow/PayLah 87536364
    POSB Current 791-25804-9
    To confirm your payment, fill up the form below and click submit. You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours and an email alert one week before class begins.Enquiries? Whatsapp to 81078545

    Arabic Masterclass 2022
    Theory and Application on the Quran

    Enrolment Is Now Closed

    Spring Cohort | 16-Week Program
    Saturdays 9am SGT, 15 Jan - 30 Apr

    In learning Vowelled Arabic, all around the world, most students struggle. Usually it's because grammatical Arabic terms are hard to explain, and topics of grammar seem disconnected. After being a student of Arabic since 1987 and a teacher of Big Grammar since 2015, I’ve jumped through the hoops. So you don’t have to.Trick is threefold - learn it via a language you are comfortable with (in this case, English), really really understand the 8 elements of Big Grammar, and straight away apply them. If only I had this framework, 35 years ago. These elements aren’t new, but the way they are organised is gamechanging. Here are details of the program:

    Purpose and Overview

    - Intended for students who already have basic Arabic who seek to understand Big Picture Grammar, especially those who struggled studying Arabic using technical terms in Arabic.
    - Students should expect to leave the course gaining familiarity with central themes of Big Grammar, and how they can apply this on vowelled text, especially the Quran.
    - NOT for anyone wishing to take any of the topics to a significant level of technical depth, but more of pinning down grounding fundamentals for immediate application.

    Rough Weekly Outline

    • Week 1: Word Cat/Pattern

    • Week 2: Word Form/Meaning

    • Week 3: Word Strength/Force

    • Week 4: Word Sign/Function

    • Week 5-16: Applied Grammar


    Mohamed Redzuan Salleh
    Developer of the Rootword Method / Mover Theory.

    Structure and Schedule

    - Remote synchronous: We will meet once a week for at least 90 minutes online (sessions will be recorded for missed meetings). All will be held on Saturdays 09:00AM - 11:00 AM SG timezone.
    - The course will run beginning on January 15th through April 30th for 16 total sessions. There will be weekly assignments; don't worry, it's fun. And it 10x-es your progress - the most critical part that shapes your journey. Also, we'll partly use a simple app for the practice sessions.
    - Office Hours: Students will be welcome to schedule office hours to discuss course topics and materials as needed and desired on a one-on-one or small group basis with the instructor. More details will be provided later.
    - Course completion: Upon completion of the course, students will be awarded a certificate and become a member of the Big Grammar Network that serves to keep participants in contact with classmates and future attendees.
    - This is NOT a self-paced course. In order to facilitate an organic and spontaneous learning environment and direct interaction, enrollment is limited.

    Arabic in 60
    Sat, 8 Jan 2022
    9am - 10am SGT

    Theory Only
    4 Weeks
    15 Jan - 5 Feb
    9am - 11am SGT

    Theory + Practice
    4 + 12 Weeks
    12 Feb to 30 Apr
    9am - 11am SGT

    Submit the form below to confirm payment. All prices are exclusive as this is the first masterclass cohort.

    Registering from Singapore?Transfer via PayNow 87536364 or POSB Current 791-25804-9.

    Not from Singapore?

    Weekly Breakdown

    Week 1
    The Process
    Week 2
    The Writing Method
    Week 3
    Redefining "10,000" Quranic Terms
    Week 4
    What Trads, Libs & New Agers Got Wrong
    Week 5
    Putting Everything Togethe

    These topics will overlap depending on the week-to-week flow of content and context. There will be light activities during the zoom sessions, suggested daily actions during Ramadan to apply what you have learned, and 3 weekly progress updates after the program.

    Whatsapp Group

    There will be a whatsapp group for program-related communication. You may join it in advance by clicking:The One Practice

    Registration Details

    Payment can be made via Paynow 87536364 or POSB Current 791-25804-9. Complete your registration by submitting your email below after payment is made.This Story Seminar is conducted ONE TIME ONLY. Admission is only $150 which includes 5 Weeks of lectures, online access to the recordings, and more. I look forward to our time together!


    Why is this program exclusive? Because I will share "deep" stuff that only people who have studied from me can appreciate.What do I get at the end of this? A working process (and progress tracking updates) of how to consciously intend/pray, in the form of a daily and weekly practice.

    A 5-Week Webinar
    One-Off Ramadan Event for Rootword Alumni

    10 April to 8 May, 2021
    Saturdays, 900am - 1015am

    What This Is About

    If there's one practice that trumps all others in life, it's about Conscious Praying for that which one desires. And this can only be first understood via the conceptual and contextual meanings of niyyah (Conscious Intention), du'a (Conscious Prayer) and taqwa (God-consciousness).

    The Taqwa Method

    This workshop will provide a crystal clear process of how you can begin leading a more conscious and creative life using your God-given consciousness, creativity and common sense.

    Weekly Breakdown

    Week 1
    Understanding Conscious Prayer
    Week 2
    Related Concepts in Quran & Hadith
    Week 3
    Understanding Conscious Intention
    Week 4
    How New Agers Got It Wrong
    Week 5
    Putting Everything Together

    There will be light weekly assignments during the zoom sessions, suggested daily activities during Ramadan to apply what you have learned, and 3 weekly progress emails after the program.

    Who Is This For?

    Rootword Alumni and specially selected participants.

    Whatsapp Group

    If you are joining, even before you register, you may enter the following Whatsapp Group:The Taqwa WorkshopShort daily notes will be provided to prepare yourself from April 3 onwards, counting down to the first session on 10 April.

    Registration Details

    Payment can be made via Paynow 87536364 or POSB Current 791-25804-9. Complete your registration by submitting your email below after payment is made.This Taqwa Seminar is Unique, it is conducted ONE TIME ONLY. Admission is only $150 which includes 5 Weeks of lectures, playful weekly assignments, online access to the recordings, and more. I look forward to our time together!


    How is this different from other talks, lectures or workshops on Ramadan? This event will not touch on the ritual parts of Ramadan, like fasting, tarawih and tadarrus. But on simple but impactful stuff that is less or not talked about at all. See this as a life session instead of a religious session (although religious sessions are also about life).Will I need to read the Quran one juz a day or pray tarawih every night to join this event? No. But those rituals are useful if you feel called to do them. This program however is not related to that. There are tons of other Ramadan lectures on that out there. I only present on what’s not available out there.Why is this program open only for the Rootword Alumni? Because I will share "deep" stuff (which also needs some background in Arabic) that only people who have studied from me can appreciate.Will terms like rahmah, maghfirah and itqun minannar be discussed? No. At least not in the way they are usually understood.What do I get at the end of this? A practical definition of taqwa and a working process of how to attain the state of taqwa, a weekly and daily practice on honing the one life skill in maintaining this inner state of being. Cool? Ok.

    1k*(Words)In 10 Weeks

    Saturdays, 9 Jan to 27 Mar 2021
    Twelve Weeks | 900am - 1030am

    What This Is About

    If there's one practice that trumps all others in gaming QA Grammar, it's sentence parsing.

    Classical Vs Keystone

    Classical Parsing, however, focuses only on syntax (word relations) + is done using Arabic terms. Keystone Parsing includes morphology (word patterns) + is done in English; this makes your practice more grounded + more understandable. How do I know this? I did both; so that you need not do the first.

    Why 10k?
    (corrected to 1k)

    For visual purposes, imagine Bruce Lee. He said: fear not someone who can do 10 thousand different kicks, but the one who practises one kick 10 thousand times. What is that one kick for QA? Keystone Parsing. Yes I said this 10k times already; I promise this is the last :-) [30 Dec 2012 | *Oops: I just realised it's not 10k but 1k.. sorry for the huge miscalculation.. lol]

    Timeline and Breakdown

    Week 1: Introducing Parsing Guide
    Week 2-11: Parsing 10k Words
    Week 12: Wrap Up
    We'll take at least 10 lines (=100 words) per week for 10 weeks (=1k Words) from surahs on which Corpus Quran has already provided the parsing maps (Surahs 1 to 8, and 59 to 114).0830: Preclass Warmup - Optional
    0900: 10-Line Parsing Practice
    1000: 10-Line Simple Translation
    1030: End

    Accepting Enrolments Now

    To register, make a payment of $300 to either of the following: PayNow 87536364, or POSB Current 791-25804-9. You may whatsapp to confirm. As usual, monthly payments are welcome.

    Related Details

    1 AlternativesIf you are interested to join the Keystone Prac, but cannot make it on Saturday, just inform me and I'll see what I can do. Alternatively, if the COP launches, that is also an avenue through which you can keep with your progress.2 Central Online Platform (COP):

    There will be a separate announcement on an exclusive member-site for 2021 that will gradually house all the Rootword Materials contained in our previous online platforms - no, this is unlike the previous platforms. All Rootword Alumni will be invited (even if you aren't joining the keystone), and most possibly other like-minded people in the later future. The idea behind this is that there is no other initiative in the world doing QA as we are doing it: parsing using English + a wacky "mover theory"; you may not be aware of the significance of what you are doing right now. Only you and I understand the language of watch, push and flip. I'm quite excited for this, if you can feel the tone of my words :-) If this is something you are also interested in, wait for the announcement soon. The image above is an example of what will be shared in COP.

    2018 Video Clip | Level 2 Class

    There are 3 foundational modules to the Rootword Method Program:VERB FOUNDATION - Roots
    (4 Months / 16 Weeks)
    NOUN FOUNDATION - Branches
    (3 Months / 12 Weeks)
    (2 Months / 8 Weeks)

    While the chief aim of this program is to enable you to self-translate the Quran using process charts and wordlists, it would also provide you with a solid preliminary foundation of Arabic language first principles to further pursue other language goals, such as conversational or business Arabic.

    Module 2 | Saturdays
    1115 am to 115 pm
    May 11 to August 3
    (Eid Break: June 8)

    Last Updated: 10 May

    1 Nurhanna
    2 Aminah
    3 Munirah
    4 Dedi
    5 Farhanah
    6 Nawariah

    7 Yasmeen
    8 Hanif
    9 Nasuha
    10 Mardhiah
    11 Available
    12 Available

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    Unravel 60%-80% of the Quran In 6 Months

    The Systematic Practice To Translate the Quran By Patternizing Hi-Frequency Words and Phrases

    Correction: Eack week covers 6-10 Frequency Words

    This 2-Module program is an adventure exploring the most frequent words and phrases in the Quran.The first 60 hi-frequency words enable you to cover 50% of the Quran (the minimum aim of Module 1).In module 2, you will complete up to the 80% mark by covering hi-frequency phrases and more hi-frequency words. See images below.

    Word 1 = 4% and Word 454 = 80% mark

    Gone through Rootword Method Prog, or
    Have learned good Arabic more than 1 yr
    PRAC Module 1 - Tuesday Sessions12 Weeks - 745pm to 945pm
    16 Apr to 06 Aug 2019
    PRAC Module 2 - Saturday Sessions12 Weeks - 9am to 11am
    13 Apr to 06 July 2019
    PRAC Module 2 - Sunday Sessions12 Weeks - 9am to 11am
    14 Apr to 06 Aug 2019
    AlQudwah Academy

    (Rootword Students/Grads)
    (Other Students)
    Transfer to:
    PayNow 87536364, or
    POSB Current 791-25804-9
    Fees are also payable via monthly instalments by request.Whatsapp 81078545 to confirm your registration or apply.Seats are limited.

    FAQsWhat is the Rootword Method?A structured method of foundational processes via which you are able to first understand translated sentences from the Quran, and thereafter understand how to to translate them using those processes.How Does It Work?By deconstructing word parts (prefix-stem-root-infix-root-suffix) and phrasal blocks (5 types), assisted by charts, canvasses and glossaries.Why Should You Learn This?This method was created to make Arabic great again. Away from blind memorization and toward a measured understanding of word patterns and phrasal structures, without (first) memorizing the meaning of any word. Just that pattern recognition comes first and foremost; memorization is secondary and optional. They say “a cheap man pays twice”; likewise a pattern-blind memorizer memorizes twice. Way more than twice, actually.Tell Me More..Rootword Method is a long game with a clear desired outcome. Most other approaches, one would need to spend years, if not decades, of memorizing, recalling and forgetting. Simply because of the relative absence in structural grounding. Even though these approaches offer preliminary progress in the first few weeks or months, this progressive enjoyment would not last beyond a few months (usually earlier) before the memory fatigue kicks in.How Long Does It Take?You will spend at least 9 months (a year at most) to install the rootword mindset, grinding and grounding yourself on measured word patterns and calculated phrasal blocks, but once the pieces interlock, you will never be the same person again. Your mind will be unbelievably stretched and you begin to wonder why you did not begin installing this skillset earlier.


    DATES: 13 Oct - 8 Dec (except 27 Oct)
    TIME: 9am - 11am, Saturdays
    VENUE: AlQudwah
    Month 1: Meaning-Based TranslationWe'll follow 3 simple steps1- Identify Word Type
    2- Identify Word Meaning
    3- Translate Sentence Intuitively
    The aim for this month is to translate as many words, phrases and sentences as possible to build momentum and confidence before you proceed to pattern-based translation. For this, naturally the translations that will arise from this preliminary process will not be perfect but still correct; it will be the launchpad for the pattern translation level. Four main tools are used: Verb/Noun Canvas, List of Unrooted Words, Quran App Dictionary (Arabic Almanac - PR for iPhones, and Arabic Dictionaries for Androids)Month 2: Pattern-Based TranslationWe'll follow 3 more structured steps1- Identifying Word Pattern (V11/N3/P4)
    2- Identifying Phrase Type (V-P-A-P-N)
    3- Identifying Proper Translations for each word and phrase
    For this month, you do not suffice with translating word to meaning, but word to pattern to meaning. This more-structured-process may lead to the same translation results of meaning-based process, but additionally it will enable you to have a more grounded mindset whenever you put on the pattern cap when translating Arabic. Five Decoding Tools are used: Verb/Noun Canvas, Verb Table, Noun Charts, Harf Charts, App Dictionary.What will be approximately covered week-by-week:Week 1: Demo of Meaning-Based Speed Translation and explanation of processesWeek 2: Guided DIY TranslationWeek 3: Guided DIY TranslationWeek 4: Demo of Pattern-Based TranslationWeek 5: Explanation of ProcessesWeek 6: Guided DIY TranslationWeek 7: Guided DIY TranslationWeek 8: Random Translation ChallengeMost of the resources we will use are what you have already received. You will be given a handout of the verses for translation (most probably the first few pages of Surah Al-Baqarah or critical verses from the Quran) and two progress tracker pages: one on process tracker, and another on content tracker on how many words you have translated based on their categories (11 verb forms, 3/17 noun types, 4 harf types).If you are keen to join and the timing is suitable, you may register.The fee is the regular amount you are previously charged with even though the number of students would be below 10. This is because AlQudwah kindly granted a special concession to the class rental for the next 8 weeks.Fees: $110/mth x 2(If you do not opt for access to online materials, fees would be $100 x 2)As usual, you can make a transfer to an account below or pay during class.PayNow 87536364, or
    POSB Current 791-25804-9

    Decoding Quranic Arabic
    Module 1 of 3

      Cohort 24 - Mondays
      12 Weeks - 8 Apr to 29 July
      7:45pm - 9:45pm | Class Size: 12-16
      (Ramadan/Eid Break: 6 May to 10 June)

      Cognizant of Arabic Letters
      Confident of Left-Brain Thinking
      (to process language principles)

      Rootword Method is a logical approach in learning Arabic using first order thinking processes rather than complicated memory games. Its premise: pattern recognition trumps blind memorisation.While the chief aim of this program is to enable you to self-translate the Quran using process charts and word lists, it would also equip you with a solid preliminary foundation of Arabic language first principles.

      I've been learning Arabic and been trying different methods. Until I found this rootword method. I’m really impressed with the simplicity of how we can decipher an “Arabic Word” until we can get the meaning. At the time of this writing, I just finished Level 1. But I am really looking forward to the next level."
      — H, Level 1 Graduate

      What You Are Going To Learn

      - Decoding Word Categories
      - Decoding Word Patterns
      - Decoding Word Forms/Types
      - Decoding Word Meanings
      - Decoding Word Cases/States
      - Decoding Word Signs
      - Decoding Word Functions

      VENUE:AlQudwah Academy
      11 Pahang St S198611
      Course Fees:
      $349/pax^ [Standard Rate]
      $299/pax [Couple Rate]
      ^50% off [Refreshers]Mode of Payment:- PayNow/PayLah 87536364
      - POSB Current 791-25804-9
      To confirm your payment, fill up the form below and click submit. You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours and an email alert one week before class begins.Enquiries? Whatsapp to 81078545

      "I've finally learnt a reasonably effective way to access a level of meaning from the Quran via (self)translation using the Rootword Method."
      — Shariffa, Level 2 Graduate


      Word System II

      AIM: To enable you to dissect any odd-patterned word to get its meaning on your own rather than memorizing the meaning of every word you encounter.

      This level comprises 6 units:

      0Odd TypesGeneral
      1Horizontal Scal.F1 Verbs
      2Vertical Scal.F1 Verbs
      3Noun ScalingF1 Nouns
      4Horizontal Scal.F2-10 Verbs
      5Noun ScalingF2-10 Nouns
      6Root BranchingAll

      Current Run:- DAY: Sundays @ AlQudwah
      - TIME: 9am - 11am | 12 Weeks
      - DATES: May 20/27, June 3/10/24, July 1/8/15/22/29 Aug 5/12


      Sentence System

      The aim of this level is to enable you to dissect any Arabic phrase or sentence using simplified rootword method techniques in order to self- translate any verse in the Quran using process charts and rootword-based wordlists/dictionaries.

      This level comprises 6 units:Intro / Arabic Sentence System
      1 / Sentence Pillars (Core Clauses)
      2 / Sentence Starters (Pre-Core)
      3 / Sentence Enders (Post-Core)
      4 / Phrasal Blocks (+Noun Recipe)
      5 / Arabic Grammar in 12 Sentences
      6 / Simplified Sentence Analysis
      Current Weekly Classes:Saturdays@Qudwah | 9am - 11amUpcoming Runs:Mid-August 2018

      LEVEL 3 Registration (Sundays)Registration Period:August 1 to August 31DATES (12 Weeks):2 Sept 2018 to 25 Nov 2018
      (28 Oct - no class)
      9:30am - 11:30am
      VENUE:AlQudwah Academy
      11 Pahang St S198611
      Program Fees: $300
      (Mthly instalments are workable)
      Mode of Payment:- PayNow 87536364
      - POSB Current 791-25804-9
      To confirm your payment, whatsapp to 81078545, or submit the form below. (To chope your place first and pay later, "type reserve" in the comment box and your name will be listed below)

      Noun and Phrase System
      (Tuesday Nights)

      To learn the skill of decoding any Arabic sentence.
      By unpacking the meaning of any word from its pattern, and unpacking the meaning of any phrase from noticing the precise behaviour of case endings of words (and other clear signs) in a phrase. This will be based on the Rootword Method's simplified Movement Theory of Word Endings.
      (1) Verb System Reload
      (2) Noun Types and Patterns
      (3) 5 Phrasal Structures

      8 Jan to 26 March 2019
      800pm - 1000pm (12 Weeks)
      @AlQudwah Academy
      Enrolment Period
      December 2018
      1-time payment,
      or 3 equal instalments
      Modes of Payment
      PayNow 87536364
      POSB Current 791-25804-9
      To confirm your payment (1-time or instalment), whatsapp to 81078545, or submit the form below.

      Use this form for any enquiry.

      LEVEL 1 RESOURCES (Verb System)Rootword Handbook 1
      (to be uploaded soon)
      Rootword Tables and Templates
      (to be uploaded soon)
      Videos on Some LessonsWord System (30 mins)
      Suspicious Letters (10 mins)
      6 Doors - Part 1 (13 mins)
      6 Doors - Part 2 (9 mins)
      Verb Scaling (13 mins)
      Verb-Subject Formations (37 mins)
      Verb Equations of All 10 Forms (37 mins)
      Verb Form Practice 1 (31 mins)
      Verb Form Practice 2 (30 mins)
      Verb Shades (30 mins)
      Verb Canvas (to be uploaded soon)

      RESOURCESVIDEOS/PLAYLISTSWeek 1 of 12Week 2 of 12 (Playlist)
      Odd Horizon Scaling F2-F4
      Week 3 of 12 (Playlist)
      Odd Horizon Scaling F8-F10
      Week 4 of 12 (Playlist)
      Types of Odd Words
      Week 5 of 12 (Playlist)
      Decoding Practice - Odd Words
      Week 6 of 12 (Playlist)
      Dependency Grammar
      Week 7 of 12 (Playlist)
      Clear Case Endings
      Week 8 of 12 (Playlist)
      Noun Types, Signs, Traits
      Week 9 of 12 (Playlist)
      Noun Relations
      Week 10 of 12 (Playlist)
      Noun Relations: Followers
      Week 11 of 12 (Playlist)
      Big4, MSQ, PForms, Shortcodes
      Week 12 of 12 (Playlist)
      Noun Functions
      Extended Week 13 (Playlist)
      Direct Influencers
      Extended Week 14 (Playlist)
      Indirect Influencers 1
      Extended Week 15 (Playlist)
      Indirect Influencers 2
      NOTES/TABLES/TEMPLATES12-Sentence Grammar - Template12-Sentence Grammar Answer Key

      Rootword Method Creator and FacilitatorMohamed Redzuan Salleh has a total working experience of 10 years as a research analyst of Islamist ideology in RSIS, a madrasah curriculum reviewer in Muis, and an Arabic language curriculum developer at a language centre.

      He has religious educational experience spanning 20 years, having an MA in Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (Jakarta), a BA in
      Islamic Law (Cairo), and a diploma in Islamic Studies (Malaysia). He was in Aljunied Islamic School (Singapore) for 5 years before getting a scholarship to study in Kuwait for 5 years in a religious high school and 3 years of university studies in Arabic language and literature.
      He has been teaching Arabic full-time since 2013 by reversing the process of language learning, by not teaching complex grammar first or even frequency words, but measurable word patterns and quantified sentence structures.

      Rootword Prac-1 2019

      Documents | Livestreams

      [Latest in Bold]
      Week 01 / 12 Jan
      Week 02 / 19 Jan
      Week 03 / 26 Jan
      Week 04 / 09 Feb
      Week 05 / 16 Feb
      Week 06 / 23 Feb
      Week 07 / 02 Mar
      Week 08 / 09 Mar
      Week 09 / 16 Mar
      Week 10 / 23 Mar
      Week 11 / 30 Mar
      Week 12 / 06 Apr
      No recordings for
      Weeks 3 and 10.

      [Latest in Bold]
      Week 01 / 13 Jan
      Week 02 / 20 Jan
      Week 03 / 27 Jan
      Week 04 / 03 Feb
      Week 05 / 10 Feb
      Week 06 / 17 Feb
      Week 07 / 24 Feb
      Week 08 / 03 Mar
      Week 09 / 10 Mar
      Week 10 / 17 Mar
      Week 11 / 24 Mar
      Week 12 / 31 Mar
      Recordings for Weeks 7 and 8 may not be in sequence.

      Lesson Recordings of Prac 2Week 1 : Word Form & Function - Revisit
      Week 2 : Home Practice / Word Relations
      Week 3 : No recordings
      Week 4 : Noun Relations - A Recap
      Week 5 : Functions of Singular Nouns
      Week 6 : Signs of Non-Singular Nouns
      Week 7 : Table of Noun Signs
      Week 8 : Grammar = Causality
      Week 9
      Week 10
      Week 11
      Week 12

      Verb Foundation 101
      Pre-program Survey

      Thanks for joining the Summer 2022 Program. I'm Redzuan, the course leader. Do spare a few minutes to answer a couple of questions so that I may serve you better.

      Important Dates:1 June - Welcome Email
      4 June - Warmup Week Begins
      11 June - Official Start
      27 Aug - Final Day of Prog

      A 60-Day Email Program To Conquer 50% of the Quran
      From 1 April 2019

      To get 50% of the Quran covered, how many hi-frequency words should you conquer?In a nutshell, 60.What does that really mean?Take for example مِنْ, the highest frequency word in the Quran. It's repeated 3226 times covering 4.16% of the Quran.Couple that with الله whose frequency is 2699, and you would have “completed” 7.65% of the Quran. At the 60th word, you would have 50% of the Quran covered.But wait, it's not as numbered as that. Other factors are at play for the percentage to be optimally realized. Take the multiple-meaning factor, for instance. مِنْ has multiple meanings; ignore them, and the percentage is compromised.Another factor is knowing the word-variation. A 3-letter verb can transform into 3 tenses and up to 10 forms. A noun likewise can either be proper, common, or derived (from a verb). Knowing these details greatly help in fulfilling the percentage.What's a measured path to that?Enter: The 7-Step Word Conquering ProcessHere is where the Rootword Method 7-step word conquering process comes into the picture.Which means, for every frequency word, you seek to conquer all its 7 dimensions without even memorizing it, since you are going to look at it from 7 sides anyway.WHAT YOU WILL GETDaily Emails for 60 Days: You’ll be emailed at least one page a day (usually more) to conquer one frequency word with an explanation of all its 7 elements, with examples from the Quran numbering the quantity of main meanings the word has. Welcome email will be sent on April 1. The first of the 60 words begin on 7 April (Sha'ban 1) and ends on the final day of Ramadan.BONUSEbook: Once the program ends, you get everything in the form of an e-book.1 page a day. 60 Days. 60 Words. Aiming for 50% of the Quran. Wait no more. Pre-order now.

      Disclaimer: Your mileage will vary depending on what you already know. Fifty to Sixty is an email-based program. For app-based programs, you may explore Quranic, Baqarah, or Memrise Quranic Arabic (web-based).

      (Email Subscribers)
      Modes of Payment Transfer
      PayNow 87536364
      POSB Current 791-25804-9
      Confirm your payment by submitting the form below. You'll receive an online receipt within 24 hours.

      Topic: Applied Arabic In 60 Minutes
      Time: Jan 8, 2022 09:00 AM Singapore
      Join Zoom Meeting
      Meeting ID: 875 4022 1448
      Passcode: 867974
      To watch Part 1 of Arabic in 60, click here.

      IntroWord CategoriesWord Chart
      OneVerb FormsVerb Matrix
      TwoVerb DoorsVerb Matrix
      ThreeVerb StemsVerb Matrix
      FourPronounsRoot Theory
      FiveTense FormsEquations
      SixOdd StemsExamples
      SevenShortcodingThe 7 Step
      EightOdd VerbsWeaky Chart
      NineWeaky FormsHDTV Formula
      TenOdd PatternsWorksheets
      ElevenOdd TypesShort Cuts

      2019 Language Dynamics
      [UEN: 53354610M]

      Thanks for clicking. You are awesome! 🙌